"In the Captivity of Music"
("Rostok-Records", 2003)
Timant's aria ("Demofont" - Berezovsky) 6:53
Edonide's aria ( "Alkid" - Bortnyansky) 6:47
Margarite ( "Mefistofel" - Boito) 7:35
Mi Chiamano Mimi ("La Boheme" - Puccini) 5:01
Natasha's aria ("War and Peace" - Prokofiev) 3:30
Tacea la Notte ( "Il Trovatore" - Verdi) 5:00
Serenade (Strauss) 2:36
Skazhy o chem v teni vetvey (Chaikovsky) 5:06
Otchego... (Chaikovsky) 3:28
Sred mrachnyh dney (Chaikovsky) 1:48
Conjuration (Shaporin) 2:49
Scenery (Minkov) 3:12
Water-Colours (Tariverdiev) 6:26
Order the disk on "Rostok Records"
"Charmed with the Song"
V kinci hrebli (Ukrainian folk song) 3:25
Oy, dzhyhune (Ukrainian folk song) 1:04
Tyho, tyho Dunay vodu nese (Ukrainian folk song in Lysenko's arrangement) 4:40
Oy, vyisya, hmelu (Ukrainian folk song) 2:02
Nashcho meni chorni brovy (on Taras Shevchenko's poem in Bonkovsky arrangement) 3:33
Oy. hlyboky kolodyaziu (Ukrainian folk song) 4:46
Viut vitry ("Natalka Poltavka" - Lysenko) 3:28
Choho voda kalamutna "Natalka Poltavka" - Lysenko) 4:02
Natalka's song ("Natalka Poltavka" - Lysenko) 1:21
Spat meni ne hochetsya (Ukrainian folk song in Chyshko's arrangement) 2:22
Timant's aria ("Demofont" - Berezovsky) 6:51
Edonide's aria ( "Alkid" - Bortnyansky) 6:45
Listen to:
Tariverdiev vocal cycle
“The Water-Colours”
"Tacea la Notte"
(Verdi "Il Trovatore")
"Quia Respexit"
(Vivaldi "Magnificat")
. Creation, design, 2006;
©Ìarina Leroux
. Pictures, 2006.